SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024: Everyone Must Know All these SASSA Grants Change in June

The government of South Africa has decided to make SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024 to improve the administration and distribution of the payment. The South African government has launched a new series that includes new regulations for grants for citizens of the country.

In this program, they will ensure that every deserving citizen receives the grants and also try to speed up the distribution process. Citizens need to know about the eligibility requirements to receive the SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024 directly into their bank accounts.

SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024

The South African government’s social development minister has included this series to benefit the suffering citizens. The authorities have set up new rules and new regulations, including those who receive payment by mistake in the country.

The minister explained that only eligible citizens who meet the requirements will receive this payment directly in their bank accounts. Otherwise, payment will be redirected from the accounts of ineligible and non-affected citizens of the country.

SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024 – Overview

OrganizationSouth African Social Security Agency
Benefit NameSocial Relief of Distress
CountrySouth Africa
PaymentFirst week of June 2024
FrequencyMonthly Payments
CategoryGovernment Aid
Official Website

Tackling Incorrect SRD R350 Payments

This crucial update concerns the government’s ability to take back money from non-eligible citizens. Minister Zulu has stated that if any citizen of the country receives the grant program by mistake, then the agency can recover all the amount paid to the person who is not eligible for the payment.

Non-eligible persons include citizens who weren’t affected during the COVID-19 pandemic and are not entitled to the government to receive benefits from the COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress. This step of the government will make fair payments and only provide financial assistance to the citizens who are genuinely affected and are in need of financial help.

SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024 New Updates

In this update, the citizens of the country who are approved need to keep their applications updated as per the changes. This means that any person who is registered with the authorities and has changed their address or bank account needs to inform the department to update the information for future grants.

The authorities of South Africa have decided that citizens who are approved for payment but have yet to receive it because the citizens are not traceable or didn’t contact the agency regarding an update in their details will be suspended. Citizens need to provide information within 90 days of the approval because, after 90 days, the authorities will block/suspend the person and make them non-eligible for payment. This impact will make citizens unable to receive any financial support from the government in the future.

Grant MonthOlder Persons Grant DateDisability Grant DateChildren’s Grant Date
May 2024367
June 2024256
July 2024456
August 2024234
September 2024567
October 2024345
November 2024236
December 2024145

SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024 Duty of Citizens

As per the reports, the citizen must provide updated information to the department. The South African government has made a rule that it is the responsibility of the eligible candidate for the agency to have their current mobile number and current bank account number.

The agency is not responsible for any miscommunication resulting in an incorrect mobile number you provided. Citizens need to verify that their banking details, including IFSC Code and Linked Identify Proof, all need to be submitted to the agency on time to receive grants.

SASSA Grant Increase and Its Impact

The SASSA has decided to increase the amount of grants provided to economically affected citizens who face hardships in meeting their requirements. In June 2024, the grant amount will be increased for the first time since it was started in 2020.

As we know, inflation rates and product costs are increasing daily, making citizens unable to maintain a lifestyle. Although the increase is small, it still helps citizens meet their daily requirements and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The financial impact of this increase is huge; an additional R2.2 billion is needed to continue SRD-350 for the period 2024-25.

SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024 Payment Increase

The country’s Chief Economist has stated that this grant increase is the first increase in payment since 2020. The main aim of this increase is to allow citizens to live stress-free lives and manage their expenses. She also mentioned that this increase doesn’t fully help the citizens compensate for increased inflation rates in the country. Another payment with an increase for citizens will be released in future editions of the program and to know more about SASSA SRD R350 Changes 2024, kindly visit the official website at

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